Despite Drought Conditions, Longview Ranch Boasts Record Hay Production this Year

With eight miles of the John Day River flowing through the property, Longview Ranch maintains 30,000 stunning acres of diverse landscape.

While the primary purpose of the property is raising grass-fed cattle, Longview Ranch also produces thousands of tons of grass and alfalfa hay annually, grown on 457 acres of production fields. 

The summer of 2020 brought drought conditions to Central Oregon, yet the ranch recorded record hay production, a tribute to Longview Ranch’s employees, each of whom worked tirelessly to maintain irrigation with 16 pivots, also ensuring the proper amount of fertilizer.

In 2019, Longview Ranch produced 1,700 tons of hay, and – despite the conditions of 2020 – this year produced 2,000 tons. Of the total hay produced, 1,200 tons will be fed to the cattle on the ranch, and 800 tons will be sold.


A Refuge For Central Abundant Oregon’s Elk Population


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